Energomontaż Południe


string(81) "Smarty error: problem writing temporary file '//tmp/templates_c/wrt66a507f5ab6bf'" string(81) "Smarty error: problem writing temporary file '//tmp/templates_c/wrt66a507f5ab7c3'"

RSS enables to follow the most important events on a regular basis and provides a fast access to the interesting news.

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a form of publicizing information published on the Internet sites. RSS news is delivered in the form of headlines and it resembles the electronic mail - it has a title, summary and link, which leads to the complete information on the website. Special programmes (the so-called readers) are used to read the RSS news.

RSS forms a list of content of the Internet service, which enables an immediate access to the selected information.

Advantages of the RSS

Special programmes, the so-called readers, are used to read the RSS news. Many of them are being installed as "plug-in" to the mailing programme or to the Internet browser. The reader may mark, which pieces of information have been read and organize them according to selected criteria.

rss EP SA - aggregate RSS feed
rss EP SA - news
rss EP SA - current reports
rss EP SA - financial reports
rss EP SA - analyses and recommendations

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